Ms. Lisa Rust is the facilitator of a book study on teaching strategies for 13 QES teachers held weekly for the next several weeks.
LUNCH AND LEARN at QES was led by Whitney Crutcher and 34 teachers learned about student engagement and making learning fun!
Kona Ice has been cancelled for today. Rescheduled for Monday.
REMEMBER KONA ICE is coming to QES Wednesday - price small $3 and large $5!
More FAMILY MOVIE NIght cuties!
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT at QES featured a movie AND amazing Halloween costumes!
Jenga blast! Laughs and fun as students celebrated the end of the nine weeks with Jenga contests - grade level VS grade level!
NERD DAY PICTURES brought giggles to everyone for Red Ribbon Week. Aren’t they cute?
MEMBERS OF THE QES Superintendent’s Advisory Council joined with Superintendent Turner on Wednesday to discuss ways to improve Quitman schools. The council will meet several times this year.
QES PTO is busy with the final touches on the auction baskets. Be sure and bid - they will be online tomorrow night and available for viewing Friday at the elementary.
RED RIBBON WEEK QES wore favorite team jerseys today! Tomorrow is mis-matched clothing.
WOOD COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE demonstrated the power of electricity today for fifth grade students at QES. WCEC warned students of the dangers of electricity and taught them how to take precautions. Thanks WCEC helpers!
Healthy Teeth is sponsored each year by the Masonic Lodge of Quitman nurse Jackie Scott presented the importance of tooth care for everyone. Thanks again to our Masons!
QES HOSTED FAMILY CONFERENCES on Monday. Parents received information on strengths and weaknesses for their students and ways to help at home.
FAMILY GAME Night CHALLENGE first photo. Be a part of the fun by playing board games with your family. Send QES the photos and be part of the quality family time!
Wednesday - mis-matched clothing and socks
Thursday - Nerd day
Friday - Bulldog Spirit Day!
FAMILY GAME NIGHT CHALLENGE! QES is challenging parents for the next two weeks to play board games with their children. TWO NO TECHNOLOGY NIGHTS PER WEEK! Send us family photos of the fun times. We will upload to FACEBOOK! Send pics to:
5th graders using Quizlet Live to review math vocabulary before their Unit Tests.
Quitman Administrators and parents were treated to a pancake breakfast prepared by students on Wednesday. These students have been working on leadership and life skills.
Quitman Administrators and parents were treated to a pancake breakfast prepared by students on Wednesday. These students have been working on leadership and life skills.