ARTISTIC TALENTS of QES students are on display for all to view in the cafeteria this week.
QES STUDENTS are still working on building relationships during their morning meetings. This is a time to debrief and visit informally about what is going on in the life of these students.
SECOND GRADE STUDENTS rocked their Reader’s Theater presentation Friday during Reading class. Parents attended and were treated to snacks too!
FIFTH GRADE WON the second Egg Race against fourth grade.
DON’T BREAK THAT EGG race at lunch between third and second grade caused lots of laughter and mayhem!
QES STUDENTS enjoyed cake and punch after their UIL Assembly Friday. Proud Parents took many photos of their contestants.
FOURTH GRADE STUDENTS of QES Skyped with author, Tommy Greenwald Friday about his book PROJECT Z: A Zombie Ate My Homework. Students were interested in learning about Zombies, the writing process and life as an author. Each student received a free copy of the book.
QISD will be closed on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
ACADEMIC RODEO CONTESTANTS were in Tyler today to compete on behalf of QES in the category Ag Identification. Michael Pettiette is sponsor for the group.
We have quite the collection of the latest round of coats, jackets, hoodies, and long-sleeve tops. If your child is missing some of these items, please tell them to look in the cafeteria or come check in to the office and look through them for yourself. We will bag these up soon for donation.
Due to the threat of severe weather Quitman ISD will be releasing school at 2:00 pm. Car riders may be picked up at 2:00 pm. Buses will run at 2:00 pm. For safety, students will NOT be released from the bus if a parent or guardian is NOT at home. If a parent or guardian is not at home the students will be returned to the High School Campus and may be picked up in the front office.
Attention Parents: We are closely monitoring the weather tomorrow due to the increased risk for severe storms including high winds, and possible tornadic activity. It is predicted to manifest about the time school is out and students are being transported home. The safety of our students is our top priority. If it becomes necessary to release students early we will notify you through social media, the school website, and our ALERT NOW system . We want to be as proactive as possible. Thank you for your continued support of our schools
The 2018–19 school report cards are now available. The school report card (SRC) combines accountability ratings, data from the Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR), and financial information to give a broad view of campus performance. Available for each campus in Texas, the SRC is intended specifically to inform parents and guardians about a school’s individual characteristics and its academic performance. The school report card definitions, updated each year, explain several of the terms used in the SRC. The school report card definitions are also available in Spanish and can be found on the TEA website at
School report cards can be accessed on the Quitman ISD website, . Parents may also request a paper copy of the report by contacting Chris Mason, QISD Assistant Superintendent, at the Administration Office. Parents may also contact their child's campus administrator with questions, comments or concerns.
Wonderful afternoon to change the sign! Thank you to all of our wonderful School Board members for all that you do for us.
A TALENTED QES ARTIST made these lovely Christmas scenes as gifts for her teachers this year. She also designed and decorated the dress she is wearing...
More First helpers!
Santa’s Helpers showed up Thursday to help with Frost Grade Christmas Centers.