You can keep up with any lab confirmed cases of Covid in our school by checking our website! This will be updated as we have lab confirmed cases. Just click on the link, Public Reporting of Covid cases at QISD. You will find the last date a case was reported, the campus, and whether the case was a student or staff member. Working together we are BULLDOG STRONG! #Educating Every Child...Every Chance...Every Day
Big thanks to Mr. Ian Hart and HS teacher, John Herring and his class for helping build A LOT of these dividers for our classrooms. They were a big help to us and the teachers and students love them!
QISD is sad to announce that due to inclement weather the homecoming pep rally scheduled for tonight has been cancelled.
Homecoming Pep Rally, Tonight (9/9/20), 7:30p, Bud Moody Stadium
Symptoms of COVID19
Tickets for the Thursday night JV football game at Scurry-Rosser are for sale at The passcode is visitor2020. Prices are $6.00 for adult tickets and $4.00 for student tickets.
Our good friend from True Value Hardware, Manager Scott Dunson, just delivered a load of supplies including masks, sanitizer, soap, and spray bottles. It truly takes a village to be successful and our village is good!
Athletic Events Attendance and Other Guidelines
Volleyball vs. Cumby scheduled for tonight has been cancelled.
Virtual Registration Packets are available at
First School Board Meeting in new Board Room
Zoom Meeting - "Strong Start" for New School Year
Jul 14, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 7856 8941
Password: 5HJ145
ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE summer school signup from now through May 28. If you are interested in summer classes for your next year’s Kindergarten or next year’s First grader, call 903-497-7323 or email No transportation is provided. Classes will be from June 1-25 on Monday through Thursday, 8:30-11:30 at QES.
MORE SUPPLY PICKUPS today for fifth grade students...
Goodbye! Goodbye! Have a great summer! Students are driving through today and tomorrow to pick up their supplies!
WHAT A LUCKY GIRL! Yesterday staff and students did a parking lot send-off for Mrs. Nichols to wish her happiness on her retirement.
Thanks To our amazing PTO for tee shirts for QES staff for TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK! We love them! And a big thanks to Mrs. Turner for our Bulldog masks!
Schedule for picking up and returning items to the school.
MAY 18 is the deadline for returning completed school instructional packets to Quitman Elementary School. Handout packets can be returned to the large wooden box where they were originally picked up. Thanks for your help families during this difficult time. We will be posting times to pick up student supplies that were left at school later in May.
Last Friday, April 17, Texas Governor Abbott issued an executive order stating that all school facilities in the state of Texas would stay closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. We will continue to provide our #StayAtHome #LearnAtHome curriculum and instructional program. We will be sending out additional information this week pertaining to the school calendar, end of year events, and at home instruction.