The Quitman ISD Board of Trustees held a special called meeting Monday, September 26, 2022 at 6:00 pm. All members were in attendance except Mr. Michael Hipp. The meeting was called to order by President Jeremy Smith, and the board immediately went into executive session. Upon returning from the executive session the following action occurred: A motion was made by Raymond Peek and seconded by Jane Herring . The board unanimously named Assistant Superintendent Chris Mason as the Lone Finalist for the job of QISD Superintendent of Schools. Under law, a mandatory twenty-one day wait period must occur before the candidate can be named as Superintendent. Mr. Mason is expected to begin his duties as Superintendent on January 1, 2023 following the retirement of current Superintendent Mrs. Rhonda Turner at the end of the year.

Lone Finalist Announced for QISD Superintendent
September 29, 2022