This plan is being provided as a flexible guide to at-home instruction during an extended school closure due to inclement weather, pandemic, natural disaster, or any other event that would cause an extended school closure.
Quitman Elementary School
During extended closing, QES will be sending home an infographic of academic activities as well as suggested daily times for students to work on computer programs for selected academic subjects. QES will include information on easy access to sites for free online books and journal writing assignments. Parents please check the website for continued updates to STEM activities and other instructional information. In addition, we will be preparing take home packets, and instructional materials for use at home and for students that do not have access to digital learning materials. These items will be available for pick up. Instructions on pick-up will be send out via our school notification system.
Quitman Junior High School
During extended closing, QJH will provide instruction of all core classes and selected electives through on-line programs that students are currently using.
Teachers will also send emails with essential information and instructional videos to students as needed. With that in mind, we are asking students to check their Google Classroom, emails, and any other programs that teachers use to complete and submit assignments as daily. Students without internet services at home will receive access to check out portable WiFi Hotspots through the library. We will ensure that every student has an active email account and can access it via school email.
Quitman High School
QHS will utilize Google Classroom for all classes offered on the HS campus. We are making arrangements for students without internet access to check out portable WiFi Hotspots through the library. All students already have a school email address and a Chromebook. We will ensure that every student has an active email account and can access it via school email before we leave for Spring Break tomorrow. We are working on a document that will include all teachers’ Google Classroom codes for administrative use.
*ALL HS AND JH STUDENTS CURRENTLY IN AEP, DAEP and Credit Recovery, we will continue to use Plato Online Courseware under the guidance and administration of the AEP and DAEP teachers.