Teachers are preparing for tomorrow!!! Welcome students. We are Ready!!
Midnight Madness is on its way!
Ag Classrooms have new floors! Big thanks to Mr. Schoon and crew for getting this done in 3 days.
Football Camp Starts Monday.
Sunny Day
Lady Bulldog Volleyball Camp Scheduled - See Quitman ISD Website for Details and Registration Form
QHS Graduation Photos
QISD will be hosting an immunization clinic on Friday August 16, 2019 from 9 AM to 12 PM in the elementary cafeteria. Parents will need to bring a shot record and insurance information. If no insurance, cost will be $5 per shot. Students must be accompanied by a parent.
Quitman HS Graduation will be moved to the Ballard Gym.
All buses have safely delivered all students home. Please be safe as another storm will be approaching our community. Thank you to all of the administrators, teachers, staff, and parents that stayed and helped with the students while the tornado passed.
Due to the threat of additional severe weather, the Baccalaureate scheduled for tonight at the First United Methodist Church has been Cancelled.
All buses have been released from the High School and are in the process of finishing their routes.
Bus 9 has also returned to the school. We have all students sheltered.
In addition bus 9 is returning to the High School until the threat of severe weather has passed.
Additionally bus 57 will be delayed until the tornado threat passes. Students will be sheltered at the high school.
Parents, bus #6 and bus #2 will be delayed. Those students will be sheltered at the high school until the threat of the tornado has passed.
Monday, May 27th - Memorial Day Holiday
Thursday, May 30th and Friday May 31st - Early Release - Elementary will dismiss at 1:00pm, JH/HS will dismiss at 1:15pm.
It is always exciting when you can deliver great news to an employee. QISD was the recipient of a Grow Your Own Grant this year. One aspect of the grant was to fund tuition cost for a current para professional that would be completing their teaching degree in the next two years! Today Bethany Fatheree was the recipient of that "up to" $10,000 award. We are proud of Mrs. Fatheree!
Elementary Field Day Images
FFA And Young Farmers Auction 5:30 May 17th at AG Pavilion