QHS's One Act Play (OAP) cast will be performing "The Diviners" by Jim Leonard Jr. this coming Monday evening, March 7th, at 7 p.m. at the Quitman High School Auditorium. Tickets cost $5 for adults and $3 for seniors and students. Tickets may be purchased at the door. This performance is a practice run for the OAP cast's district contest on March 11th.
"The Diviners" is a play set during the Depression in a very small town of around 40 people. One of its residents is a young man with mental challenges named Buddy Layman. Buddy almost drowned when he was young, but his mother saved him at the cost of her own life. Buddy was terrified of water afterwards and developed a peculiar ability to know when it was about to rain. The play also follows the arrival of a new preacher in town, C.C. Showers, who quit preaching and took a job in Buddy's father's mechanic shop. Once the ladies in town catch wind that C.C. was a preacher, they continually seek him out to persuade him to preach and "heal the boy." Buddy's fear of water leads him to a fear bathing, and he develops health issues because of it. C.C. leads Buddy to water in an attempt to get him to clean himself and a tragic accident occurs.