Ron Fox and Nuggett Cuningham from Capturing Kids’ Hearts led members of our administration team through the “Leadership Blueprint” workshop this week. Per the Capturing Kids’ Hearts website (, this workshop is “an immersive, participatory experience, not a theoretical or motivational lecture. Leaders learn and practice skills they will use and model on a daily basis.”
The administrative team learned how to create connections with other leaders, how to communicate and receive feedback, how to use the Capturing Kids’ Hearts “EXCEL Teaching Model” during interactions and meetings, how to build teams that perform at high levels, and how to recognize and how to overcome personal constraints.
Director of Technology Colby Bridges enjoyed learning the EXCEL model, along with the other topics. Bridges said that the two day training was “eye-opening seeing how other leadership team members’ strengths and weaknesses compliment your own.” Bridges said he learned a lot about himself as a person and as a leader, and he looks forward to implementing the strategies he learned.