Quitman Bulldogs

The University Interscholastic League issued guidelines regarding UIL activities for the 2020-2021 school year earlier this month. While these activities might look different from years past, we’re excited our kids will be allowed to participate in the activities they love. There are many restrictions and requirements in place that we want to be sure our community is aware of. Please follow the below link to access the 2020-2021 Athletic Spectator Guidelines document that outlines QISD's plan. We are working hard to accommodate our loyal Bulldog fans. Please be patient and understanding as we work within the new restrictions mandated by UIL.

2020-2021 Athletic Spectator Guidelines

To read UIL's complete guidelines, visit https://www.uiltexas.org/policy/covid-19/2020-2021-uil-covid-19-risk-mitigation-guidelines.